Nous avons mis en place une veille bibliographique systématique sur les MLD depuis 2008. Dans cette page, nous publions les références de cette veille par année de publication. Les articles sélectionnés ont été publiés dans un des journaux de la catégorie A*, A ou B de l’European Mathematical Society (Toerner & Arzarello, 2012) :
- Educational Studies in Mathematics (ESM)
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME)
- For the Learning of Mathematics (FLM)
- Journal of Mathematical Behavior (The) (JMB)
- Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE)
- Mathematical Thinking and Learning (MTL)
- The International Journal on Mathematics Education (ZDM)
- International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (IJMEST)
- International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (IJSME)
- Mathematics Education Research Journal (MERJ)
- Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques (RDM)
- Research in Mathematics Education (RME)
La description détaillée de la méthode de sélection des articles de la veille est rapportée dans Deruaz et al. (2020).
Une analyse détaillée des résultats concernant les années 2007-2016 sont décrits dans Deruaz et al. (2020).
Alghamdi, A., Jitendra, A.K. & Lein, A.E. (2020). Teaching students with mathematics disabilities to solve multiplication and division word problems: the role of schema-based instruction. ZDM Mathematics Education, 52, 125–137.
Deruaz, M., Dias, T., Gardes, M. L., Gregorio, F., Ouvrier-Buffet, C., Peteers, F., & Robotti, E. (2020). Exploring MLD in mathematics education: Ten years of research. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 60.
Dibbs, R. A., Hott, B. L., Martin, A., Raymond, L., & Kline, T. (2020). Combining like terms: A qualitative meta-synthesis of Algebra I interventions in mathematics and special education. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST), 8(3), 219-232.
Hughes, E. M., Riccomini, P. J., & Lee, J. Y. (2020). Investigating written expressions of mathematical reasoning for students with learning disabilities. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 58.
Hunt, J., & Silva, J. (2020). Emma’s negotiation of number: Implicit intensive intervention. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 51(3), 334-360.
Im, S. H., & Jitendra, A. K. (2020). Analysis of proportional reasoning and misconceptions among students with mathematical learning disabilities. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 57.
Lambert, R., Tan, P. (2020). Does disability matter in mathematics educational research? A critical comparison of research on students with and without disabilities. Math Ed Res J, 32, 5–35.
Lewis, K. E., Sweeney, G., Thompson, G. M., & Adler, R. M. (2020). Integer number sense and notation: A case study of a student with a mathematics learning disability. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 59.
Liu, H. (2020). Low-numerate adults, motivational factors in learning, and their employment, education and training status in Germany, the US, and South Korea. ZDM Mathematics Education, 52, 419–431.
Peteers, F. (2020). Apports croisés de la didactique et de la cognition numérique pour l’étude des troubles d’apprentissages en mathématiques. Recherches en Didactique des Mathematiques, 40(2).
Powell, S. R., Berry, K. A., & Benz, S. A. (2020). Analyzing the word-problem performance and strategies of students experiencing mathematics difficulty. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 58.
Powell, S.R., Berry, K.A. & Barnes, M.A. (2020). The role of pre-algebraic reasoning within a word-problem intervention for third-grade students with mathematics difficulty. ZDM Mathematics Education, 52, 151–163.
Xin, Y. P., Park, J. Y., Tzur, R., & Si, L. (2020). The impact of a conceptual model-based mathematics computer tutor on multiplicative reasoning and problem-solving of students with learning disabilities. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 58.
Yeh, C., Ellis, M., & Mahmood, D. (2020). From the margin to the center: A framework for rehumanizing mathematics education for students with dis/abilities. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 58.
Baten, E., Desoete, A. (2019). Metacognition and motivation in school-aged children with and without mathematical learning disabilities in Flanders. ZDM Mathematics Education, 51, 679–689.
Hacker, D.J., Kiuhara, S.A. & Levin, J.R. (2019). A metacognitive intervention for teaching fractions to students with or at-risk for learning disabilities in mathematics. ZDM Mathematics Education, 51, 601–612.
Lucangeli, D., Fastame, M.C., Pedron, M. et al. Metacognition and errors: the impact of self-regulatory trainings in children with specific learning disabilities. ZDM Mathematics Education 51, 577–585 (2019).
Xin, Y.P. The effect of a conceptual model-based approach on ‘additive’ word problem solving of elementary students struggling in mathematics. ZDM Mathematics Education, 51, 139–150.
Bunck, M.J.A., Terlien, E., van Groenestijn, M., Toll, S.W.M., & Van Luit, J.E.H. (2019). Observing and analyzing children’s mathematical development, based on action theory. Educ Stud Math, 96, 289–304 (2017).
Lewis, K. E., & Fisher, M. B. (2016). Taking stock of 40 years of research on mathematical learning disability: methodological issues and future direction. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 47(4), 338–371.
Ginsburg, H. P., Lee, Y. S., & Pappas, S. (2016). Using the clinical interview and curriculum based measurement to examine risk levels. ZDM Mathematics Education, 48(7), 1031–1048.
Hord, C., Tzur, R., Xin, Y. P., Si, L., Kenney, R. H., & Woodward, J. (2016). Overcoming a 4th grader’s challenges with working-memory via constructivist-based pedagogy and strategic scaffolds: Tia’s solutions to challenging multiplicative tasks. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 44, 13–33.
Hunt, J. H., Tzur, R., & Westenskow, A. (2016). Evolution of unit fraction conceptions in two fifth-graders with a learning disability: An exploratory study. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 18(3), 182–208.
Hunt, J. H., Westenskow, A., Silva, J., & Welch-Ptak, J. (2016). Levels of participatory conception of fractional quantity along a purposefully sequenced series of equal sharing tasks: Stu’s trajectory. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 41, 45–67.
Scherer, P., Beswick, K., DeBlois, L., Healy, L., & Opitz, E. M. (2016). Assistance of students with mathematical learning difficulties: how can research support practice? ZDM Mathematics Education, 48, 633–649.
Hunt, J. H. (2015). Notions of equivalence through ratios: Students with and without learning disabilities. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 37, 94–105.
Jankvist, U. T., & Niss, M. (2015). A framework for designing a research-based “maths counsellor” teacher programme. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 90(3), 259–284.
Lambert, R. (2015). Constructing and resisting disability in mathematics classrooms: a case study exploring the impact of different pedagogies. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 89(1), 1–18.
Pfister, M., Opitz, E. M., & Pauli, C. (2015). Scaffolding for mathematics teaching in inclusive primary classrooms: A video study. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47(7), 1079–1092.
Salminen, J., Koponen, T., Räsänen, P., & Aro, M. (2015). Preventive support for kindergarteners most at-risk for mathematics difficulties: Computer-assisted intervention. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 17(4), 273–295.
Lewis, K. E. (2014). Difference not deficit: Reconceptualizing mathematical learning disabilities. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 45(3), 351–396.
Van Garderen, D., Scheuermann, A., & Poch, A. (2014). Challenges students identified with a learning disability and as high-achieving experience when using diagrams as a visualization tool to solve mathematics word problems. ZDM Mathematics Education, 46(1), 135–149.
Bouck, E. C., Joshi, G. S., & Johnson, L. (2013). Examining calculator use among students with and without disabilities educated with different mathematical curricula. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83(3), 369–385.
Heyd-Metzuyanim, E. (2013). The co-construction of learning difficulties in mathematics—teacher—student interactions and their role in the development of a disabled mathematical identity. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 83(3), 341–368.
Holmes, W., & Dowker, A. (2013). Catch up numeracy: a targeted intervention for children who are low-attaining in mathematics. Research in mathematics education, 15(3), 249–265.
Gifford, S., & Rockliffe, F. (2012). Mathematics difficulties: does one approach fit all? Research in Mathematics Education, 14(1), 1–15.
Butterworth, B., & Laurillard, D. (2010). Low numeracy and dyscalculia: Identification and intervention. ZDM Mathematics Education, 42(6), 527–539.
Xin, Y. P. (2008). The effect of schema-based instruction in solving mathematics word problems: An emphasis on prealgebraic conceptualization of multiplicative relations. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 39(5), 526–551.